Planned Giving

Looking to play a significant role in supporting wildlife professionals? Include the Western Section of The Wildlife Society (TWS-WS) in your estate planning through a bequest, or by a legacy gift of securities, retirement assets, or insurance policies. 

Include TWS-WS in your trust or will:

An effective way to make an important gift in support of wildlife professionals who work to conserve, manage, restore, and research our spaces is through your will. Naming TWS-WS as the direct beneficiary of specific assets, designates a percentage of your estate to be bequeathed, or of your residual estate after payment of other bequests.

Bequests to TWS-WS are free from federal estate tax, and can therefore offer substantial estate tax savings. There is no limit to the amount you can leave to TWS-WS, or to other charitable organizations in your will. Refer to the Internal Revenue Service web resources for more details, or contact your tax advisor.

To pursue such a donation, TWS-WS should be named in the following manner:

“The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California in 1953, and with the principal business address of 16511 Rattlesnake Way, Grass Valley, California, 95945 to be used to further the purposes of Western Section of The Wildlife Society.”

TWS-Western Section is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our tax identification number is 95-4470836.

Estate gifts to TWS-WS are dedicated to immediate and long-term support of wildlife conservation. Specifically, engaging students, emerging, and career professionals within the natural resources community to exchange natural history trends and scientific data, and leverage collaborators to identify qualitative and quantitative considerations for improved management. Gifts may be left unrestricted – to be spent at the Board’s discretion, permanently restricted to the specific aims of the donor, or specified to add to our Legacy Fund, the Section’s collective endowment for student programs, including scholarships, research grants, professional development grants, and paid internships. The Legacy Fund also provides critical matching resources, often a requirement for grant applications.

If you have questions, please send us an email at