

In order to carry out the goals of the Western Section a lot of hard volunteer work is needed to ensure all aspects of running this non-profit organization are addressed. In order to do this several committees comprised of volunteering members were created. These committees are led by committee chairs or co-chairs who serve on the Executive Board to inform officers and vote on important Western Section events, issues, and business.

If you would like to see the Western Section and The Wildlife Society become a stronger organization, or if you have ideas that could improve the Western Section, or if you would like to become more involved a great place to start is to volunteer on one or more of the committees. Contact the committee chairs and do your part to advance the Western Section and its goals!

Committee Descriptions

Conservation Affairs Committee
This Committee responds to requests received from the public, TWS Conservation Affairs Network, WS members, or committee member to review and comment, if appropriate, on plans, policies, or recommendations that may affect the conservation of wildlife and their habitats within the geographical scope of the WS. The plans, policies, or recommendations may be local, state, federal or private in their origin. The extent of CAC review and comments will be consistent with existing TWS and WS policies and approved by the WS Executive Board. In addition, this Committee may review legislative proposals, administrative regulations, environmental assessments and impacts statements, and other subjects or issues affecting wildlife or wildlife habitat within the Western Section regional area and prepares comments on behalf of the Western Section. If you are a member of the Western Section and have an interest in conservation affairs contact the Conservation Affairs Committee Chair.

Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee (PDC) is responsible for coordinating all facets of the Section’s Professional Development Program including overseeing development of technical workshops for the Annual Conference, identifying workshops, training sessions, professional meetings, and course work offered by other individuals and organizations that meet the requirements of the Section’s Professional Development Program, and providing professional development training activities where current providers are not meeting the needs of wildlife biologists in the Western Section geographic area. The PDC also encourages and advises members on the TWS Certification and Professional Development Certificate programs. Western Section workshops and training sessions help set the Western Section apart from other organizations. If you have recommendations about wildlife professional training opportunities, or would like to volunteer on the Professional Development Committee and help develop, plan, and organize workshops and symposiums contact the committee chairs.

Certification Committee
The Certification Committee is responsible for promotion, education, and dissemination of Certification information to wildlife professionals and the public in the Western Section area. The Committee promotes certification among employing agencies and private interests.

Membership Committee
This Committee addresses services currently provided to Western Section members and identifies services that would benefit the membership. This Committee manages the Western Section membership database and Constant Contact mailing list.

Diversity Committee
The Western Section of The Wildlife Society recognizes that human diversity is an asset, both to the organization and to the field. The Diversity Committee recognizes that diversity stems not only from ethnic and gender composition, but also cultural heritage, life and career experiences, economic backgrounds and abilities. Developing and encouraging a strong, diverse Society is essential to achieving the Society’s purpose and goals. The Section is committed to continuing efforts to attract, encourage, and fully develop talent from the full range of our member’s diverse backgrounds and potentials. The Section recognizes that it is from this increasingly diverse group that the Society’s future leaders will come, and we want to support the future of our organization and our field. The goals of the Western Section Diversity Committee are to: Engage youth to encourage interest in wildlife, conservation, and the field of wildlife biology. Foster a welcoming, inclusive, supportive environment for members of the Society from underrepresented groups to achieve professional development and increase awareness of the value of human diversity to the Society and field at large.

Awards and Grants Committee
There are five awards that may be presented annually by the Western Section: the Raymond F. Dasmann Award for the Professional of the Year, the Conservationist of the Year Award, the James D. Yoakum Award for Outstanding Service and Commitment to the Western Section of The Wildlife Society, the Chapter of the Year Award, and the Barrett A. Garrison Outstanding Mentor Award. The Awards Committee Chair is responsible for administering the solicitation of nominees, decisions on recipients, and preparation of awards and statements of presentation. In addition this committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending applicants and presenting grant requests to the Executive Board. The Chair also keeps a current list of all previous award and grant recipients. The committee chair should select no less than two current Section members to serve on the committee.
If you are a member who would like to help review award nominees and grant applicants please contact the committee chair.

Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee (SAC), formed in 2005, supports wildlife students and early career professionals (ECP) by engaging students and faculty in Section activities, and emphasizes career-long benefits and opportunities of active membership in The Wildlife Society. The SAC activities and outreach efforts extend to colleges and universities within the Western Section, regardless of student chapter affiliation or accreditation status, to encourage and foster student and recent graduate involvement in the natural resources field.

Communications and Outreach Committee
This Committee was created to explore, develop and maintain methods of communication with members and interested wildlife professionals. The Committee coordinates information shared to members via the Section’s various communication platforms, providing outreach to potential new members and service to the community seeking information about wildlife issues. The committee solicits content for electronic newsletters, website posting, social media sharing, and other means of communicating with members. The Western Section’s web site also hosts the web sites of some of the Section’s Chapters.

Annual Meeting Arrangements Committee
This Committee works with the Section Project Manager and Meeting Planner to provide logistical support and special event planning for the Section Annual Meeting. The President-elect establishes the program theme for the Annual Meeting and the Professional Development Committee determines associated workshops.

Audit Committee
This Committee reviews the financial records and support documents of the Treasurer at least annually. The committee is chaired by the Past-President and includes two other Section members.

Nominating and Elections Committee
A three-member Nominating and Elections Committee is selected by the Executive Board and chaired by the Past-President. This Committee prepares a slate of two candidates for the elected positions of President-Elect and Section Representative to the National Society, and manages and reviews member voting.

Retired Wildlife Professionals Committee

This committee coordinates and communicates with retired members of the Western Section to foster their sustained engagement and offer opportunities to share their experience and historical perspectives. The committee chair may also serve as the Section representative to the TWS Retired Wildlife Professionals committee.