
Atlas of Biodiversity

If you are interested in ordering a copy of the atlas, please contact the Biogeographic Data Branch.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Biogeographic Data Branch
1807 13th Street, Suite 202
Sacramento,   CA    95811
(916) 322-2493
Attn: Information Services/Atlas

By e-mail, questions or comments should be directed to:

 Also, it is available as a PDF

About the Atlas

The “Atlas of the Biodiversity of California” is a fascinating guide to the state’s biological resources. This book is a bound collection of maps, stunning photographs, and artistic illustrations, -all depicting the state’s rich diversity of plant and animal species. It includes 87 nature photographs, 48 full-color maps, and 10 wildlife illustrations by Dugald Stermer, a well-known author and artist. The Atlas details the Golden State’s biological resources and covers a wide array of terrestrial and aquatic animals. Featured articles by dozens of California Department of Fish and Game experts cover many diverse species, habitats, and programs geared toward conserving and protecting the state’s wildlife and wild places.

This book explains the state’s remarkable geography, shows how we measure biodiversity, and provides samples of the complexity and uniqueness of many of California’s treasured wildlife habitats. The Atlas answers such questions as why should we care about biodiversity, what plants and animals occur in California, how they have been lost or become threatened, and what preservation and restoration strategies are underway for the protection of the state’s wildlife species.

From college students to outdoor enthusiasts, environmental planners to policy makers, the “Atlas of the Biodiversity of California” will appeal to anyone with an interest in California’s biological resources. For additional information about the Atlas, visit the DFG website at