Western Section Workshops Program

Western Section Workshops

Western Section Workshops aims to provide current and intellectual information combined with hands-on experience to student and professional biologists, researchers, and agency staff with an interest in professional development.


What’s on the Horizon?

Check out the Events & Workshops Page for a full list of what’s being offered this season.


Waitlisting Policy: If you sign up for a workshop, and it is already full, you will be put on a waitlist. Your card will not be charged. If a spot opens up, we will email you with instructions for payment.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: To receive a refund of conference and workshop registration fees, we must receive your cancellation no later than 21 days before the first day of the event. There will be no refunds due to inclement weather, Federal budget issues, furloughs or other events beyond the control of TWS-West. All refunds are subject to a $50 processing fee. Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing, either by mail or e-mail. Refund requests received within 21 days of the start of the event will not be processed regardless of personal or professional emergency, and no refund after that date is available. However, registration may be transferred to another individual for a $25 transfer fee.

Assistant Opportunities: Certain workshops may have spaces available for participants who assist the coordinator at a discounted rate. Please contact the workshop coordinator directly to see if this opportunity is available for a particular workshop. Popular workshops may require an application process. Preference is given to early-career professionals, students, Hawaii Chapter members or out of state members), sole-proprietors, and underemployed biologists.

Workshop Rewards Program:

If an individual signs up for multiple Western Section Workshops, a 10% discount can be applied on every 3rd and subsequent registration and within a 12-month period. This is capped at $200.

A 10% discount can be applied to every 3rd registration where a single employer sends multiple employees to one workshop. Capped at $200 per workshop.

The discount will be sent as a refunded check after the completion of the workshop.


Vernal Pool Branchiopods 2019

Instructors: Mary Belk, Carol Witham, Dr. David Muth, Kristi Bischel

This was by far the best workshop I’ve ever takenMichael Scaffidi

This was by far the most smoothly coordinated workshop I have ever taken. – Jane Van Susteren

The execution and organization of this workshop exceeded my expectations from start to finish! Mary Belk, Carol Witham, David Muth, Kristina Bischel, and Ivan Parr each shared a wealth of information and professional experiences encountering these branchiopods in a variety of habitats. Their knowledge base (either in the lab portion, in the field, or both) with these species was invaluable. – LM

This was an excellent workshop. The amount of effort put into it by Ivan and the various instructors really showed in its overall quality and made all the hard work they put in very enjoyable. I am amazed at how much I was able to learn in just a week after starting with effectively no knowledge on Branchiopods.Ian Axsom

Botany for Wildlifers 2019

Instructors: Dr. David Keil, LynneDee Althouse, Dr. Tara Schoenwetter, Randi McCormick, Amy Patten

David, LynneDee, and Tara were wonderful guides on this didactic journey into Californian plants. They were all immensely warm, approachable and giving with their knowledge and insights.Taylor

[Instructors] were fantastic and presented relevant, current, interesting, insightful, and helpful information that bolstered my understanding of and excitement for learning about botany as a predominantly wildlife-focused biologist.Benjamin Hart 

Drone Technology & Regulation 2019

Instructors: Dr. Sean Hogan, Dr. Andy Lyons, Dr. David Bird, Jacob Flanagan, Steve Goldman, Stephen Earsom

Easily the best work-related training I have ever attended. – Anonymous

Overall an excellent workshop conducted by outstanding instructors in a phenomenal setting. – Rick Spaulding

Fabulous workshop! Perfect curriculum, excellent instruction, exceptionally well organized and run, wonderful venue. I learned a ton and can’t wait to learn more in future workshops! – Jodi McGraw

Thanks so much for the workshop. I am in awe of the amazing work everyone did to put it on. I learned a ton of diverse and very valuable information and skills and enjoyed myself immensely. – Anonymous

Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog Management & Ecology

Instructors: Dr. Sarah Kupferberg, Dr. Ryan Peek, Jamie Bettaso, Don Ashton, Dr. Sarah Yarnell, Dr. Steve Railsback, Scott McBain, Laura Patterson, Ryan Bourque, Michael van Hattem, Jenny Loda

All instructors were extremely personable. Ryan Peek’s research and conversational yet detailed lecture style was especially eye-opening and exciting. Likewise, Sarah Kupferberg’s energy and amanzingly comprehensive traditional ecology research was inspiringAH

All speakers were good to excellent, and all aspects of the subject were covered – Anonymous

All instructors showed total mastery of the subject, worked well together, [showing] camaraderie, and respect for the participants. – TT

I was very impressed with how well organized everything was and I came away feeling really inspired about FYLFs! – EM

Tidewater Goby Ecology & Management

Instructors: Ramona Swenson, Brenton Spies, Dan Chase, Darren Fong, Michael Reichmuth

This class exceeded all my expectations and hopes – AH

All of the instructors were amazing and excelled at delivering their information. Ramona is very knowledgeable and her passion for this little fish shows in her delivery – Anonymous

All of the instructors were extremely knowledgeable about tidewater goby and the different facets of the workshop were covered thoroughly – Anonymous

Best workshop ever!! This was the most well-organized workshop I’ve attended – KM

Bat Acoustics, 2018, James Reserve

Instructors: Dr. Joe Szewczak, Leila Harris, Jill Carpenter

Joe 5 stars, Leila 5 stars, Jill 5 stars

The latest & greatest all around! Thank you all!

The instructors presented much more information than I had hoped. All were extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic in sharing their knowledge

Best workshop I’ve taken in a while!

I loved this experience and learned a ton!