Wildlife Links

Wildlife Resource Links

If you would like to add a link to this resource list, please email tws-west@tws-west.org.  Thank You!

List Servers

  • Western Section of the Wildlife Society Email Newsletter and Announcement List: The Western Section uses Constant Contact to maintain a mailing list of current and recent past members and attendees of Section Conferences, workshops and events. We periodically send out our electronic newsletter and announcements of upcoming events and other official news related to the Western Section. All members are automatically added and Conference and workshop attendees will also be added. If you are not a member, you may join our General Interest mailing list here.
    From 2004 to 2014, the Western Section used a Yahoo Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TWSWSMembers/) to share announcements of Section sponsored workshops, conferences and training and other official news and information related to the Western Section. Use of this list has been discontinued, but the Yahoo Group remains online for an archive of past information.
  • Dead Wood Listserver: The TWS Western Section sponsored a symposium entitled ” The Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests ” in November 1999. The target audience was all resource professionals working in timbered environments. An outcome of that event was the need to promote 1) a greater understanding of the topic, 2) meaningful research, monitoring, and reporting, 3) discussions regarding management objectives, and 4) a new synthesis on dead wood management. An important tool in achieving these ends is the creation of a list-serve to support these discussions, an effort which was supported by many of the attendees. The Western Section is pleased to announce that the listserver has been established. To join, send an e-mail todead_wood-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or go tohttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/dead_wood/.
  • Amphibian Monitoring: Send a blank message to: join-amp@rana.er.usgs.gov
  • Biotelemetry: Send the command “subscribe biotelem firstname lastname” to: listserv@bguvm.bgu.ac.il
  • Carnivore: Send the command “subscribe carnivore-l firstname lastname” to:listserv@nrm.se
  • Conservation Biology: Send the command “subscribe consbio firstname lastname” to: listproc@u.washington.edu
  • Ecology: Go to https://listserv.umd.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=ecolog-l&A=1
  • Fish and Wildlife Information Management (FWIM): Send the command “subscribe fwim-l firstname lastname” to: listserv@listserv.vt.edu
  • Herpetology: Send the command “subscribe herp-l your name” tolistproc@ucdavis.edu
  • Herp Digest: Send e-mail to asalzberg@herpdigest.org requesting to be added to the subscription list. Provide your name and email address, optionally adding your title, affiliation, and phone number, area of interest, and whether you wish to make yourself available by e-mail to answer questions from other scientists or activists. (Any information collected from subscribers is for the sole use of HerpDigest™. HerpDigest™ will never sell your name or e-mail address without your permission.)
  • Human Dimensions of Wildlife: Send the command “subscribe hdwildlist” to: majordomo@magnolia.cfr.msstate.edu
  • Mammalogy: Send the command “subscribe mammal-l firstname lastname” to: listserv@sivm.si.edu
  • New BirdHawk Send the command “subscribe” to NEWBIRDHAWK-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
  • Ornithology: Send the command “subscribe ornith-l firstname lastname” to:listserv@listserv.uark.edu
  • Wildlife Damage: Send the command “subscribe wdamage firstname lastname” to: listserv@listserv.nodak.edu


(Your browser must be linked to a news reader to utilize the following links.)

Professional Societies

Government Agencies

Permits – Federal and State

Special Animals Lists

Special-Status Species

Preparing a Biological Assessment (BA)

Western Section TWS Members’ Web Sites

  • Bill’s Wildlife Sites – An index of links of interest to wildlife ecologists. Categories include: government, professional, non-profit, and university organizations and programs; endangered species; mammals; carnivores; bats; marine mammals; birds; amphibians and reptiles; fisheries; newsgroups; listservers and wildife-related products and services such as consultants, telemetry equipment, binoculars, spotting scopes, software, books, art and photography. (WS/TWS member: Bill Standley)
  • SonoBat Software – SonoBat software provides a comprehensive tool for analyzing and comparing high-resolution full-spectrum sonograms of bat echolocation calls recorded from time-expansion bat detectors. With its intuitive and direct interface, SonoBat makes it easy to record, process, display, analyze, and compare calls with known species reference libraries. (WS/TWS member: Joe Szewczak)
  • Wildland Solutions – Wildland Solutions is Keith Guenther. After 30 years with the U.S. Forest Service in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and California, Keith went independent in 1997. His extensive background in rangeland ecology, and administration of grazing and wildlife programs makes the analysis and planning of livestock-grazing/wildlife impacts his speciality. He is both a Certified Rangleand Manager, licensed by the State of California #040, and a TWS Certified Wildlife Biologist. (WS/TWS member: Keith Guenther)

If you’re a section member and would like to have a link to your site on this page, just send your web site address and a brief description to ‘webmaster’ at tws-west.org.

“Other” Web Sites