Past Events
Past Events
- February 3-7, 2025, 72nd Annual Meeting of TWS-WS. Visalia, CA. Link to Meeting Website
- December 12 – Diversity Community Hangout at locations throughout the Western Section.
- November 13/14, 2024, Western Monarch Overwintering Ecology & Habitat Link
- September 27-29, 2024, Women+ of Wildlife Retreat. Santa Ynez, CA – Sedgewick Reserve. Flier here
- July 26-28, 2024, Introduction to Tree Voles. Corvallis, OR. Flier here
- July 19-21, 2024, The Bumble Bee Field Course. Lake County, CA. Flier here
- March 22-24, 2024, Mohave Ground Squirrel Workshop. Ridgecrest, CA. Flier here
- February 17-20, 2024, Hawaii Forest Birds in Hawaii, Flier here
- February 5-9, 2024, 71st Annual Meeting of TWS-WS. Sonoma Doubletree, CA. Save the Date! Link to Meeting Website
- Snake Symposium – February 5-6, 2024. Sonoma Doubletree, CA
- Introduction to R Workshop, February 6, 2024. Sonoma Doubletree, CA
- January 22-27, 2024, Vernal Pool Branchiopods in Davis/Sacramento, CA. Flier here
- November 2, 2023, Bystander Awareness Training. Virtual Flier here.
- October 19 – 20 (evenings), 2023;Mid-Year Mingle- Virtual. Flier here.
- October 7-11, 2023. California Condors. Held on the Central Coast of California. Flier here.
- October 19, 20, 25-27 and November 3. Drone Applications for Biologists. Hilo, Hawaii. Flier here. POSTPONED to 2024
- September 29 – October 1, 2023. Resource Retreat for Women+ of Wildlife – McLaughlin Reserve in Lake County. Flier here.
- September 22-24, 2023. Western Section TWS Board of Directors Meeting. Cambria, CA.
- August 24, 2023. Corvallis, OR. Introduction to Tree Voles
- July 21-23, 2023. Markleeville, CA. Bumble Bee Field Course
- May 15-17, 2023. Sacramento, CA. Interest- Based Negotiation Workshop
- February 6-10, 2023. Riverside Convention Center. Riverside, CA. 70th Annual Meeting of TWS-WS
- February 6-7, 2023. Riverside Convention Center. Riverside, CA. Burrowing Owl Symposium
- February 7, 2023. Riverside Convention Center. Riverside, CA Construction Awareness Training for Wildlife Biologists (WildCAT)
- January 15-21, 2023. Davis and Sacramento. Lab and Field Workshop. Vernal Pool Branchiopods,
- December 4, 2022. Mammal Skulls Workshop. Riverside. In-person lab.
- September 23-25, 2022. Resource Retreat for Women+ of Wildlife, UC Merced Yosemite Field Station, CA.
- September 17-18, 2022. Pleistocene California Workshop, CANCELLED/LOW ENROLLMENT Western Science Center, Hemet, CA.
- July 22-25, 2022. Bat Ecology & Field Techniques Workshop, Blue Oak Ranch, Santa Clara Co.
- May 13-15, 2022. The Bumble Bee Field Course, Carmel Valley, CA.
- May 7-8, 2022. Tricolored Blackbird Workshop. Sacramento. In-person lecture and Field.
- March 25-28, 2022. California Botany for Wildlifers. Marina. In-person lecture and field.
- March 7-9, 2022. The Mohave Ground Squirrel Workshop. Ridgecrest. Virtual and Field.
- February 7-11, 2022. 69th Annual Meeting of TWS-WS. HYBRID. Peppermill Resort. Reno, NV
- January 21-23, 2022. Advanced Bat Acoustics: A Master Class. Held over Zoom.
- May 13, 2021. West Coast Sea Turtles Webinar Online via Zoom
- June 5 & 12, 2021. The Bird Course Online via Zoom
- May 4, 2021 — California Rare Bumble Bees Online via Zoom
- April 15-16, 22-23, 2021 — Drone Applications for Biologists Online via Zoom
- February 1-5, 2021 — 68th Annual Meeting of TWS-WS: Online via Whova/Zoom
- January 14-15, 2021 — Advanced Acoustics Master Class: Online via Zoom
- August 28-30, 2020 — TWS-WS Executive Board Meeting: Online via Zoom
- July 17, 2020 — Certified Wildlife Biologist and Associate Wildlife Biologist Training — Online, Free to TWS-WS Members
- July 18, 2020 — Certified Wildlife Biologist and Associate Wildlife Biologist Training — Online, Free to TWS-WS Members
- February 3-7, 2020 — 2020 Western Section Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn & Red Lion Inn — Redding, CA. Link to Meeting Website
- eDNA: A Practical Workshop Classroom Portion: Lompoc, CA. Field Portion: Jack & Laura Dangermond Preserve, Santa Barbara Co., CA. July 29-31, 2019
- Bat Ecology & Field Techniques. Camp Roberts, CA. August 16-19, 2019.
- Bat Acoustics Curry Ranch, Clayton, Contra Costa Co., CA – June 20-23, 2019.
- Vernal Pool Branchiopods– Davis, CA – Jan 28-Feb 2, 2019.
- 2019 Western Section Annual Meeting – Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite – Fish Camp, CA. February 4-8, 2019. Link to Meeting Website
- Drone Technology & Regulation: A Workshop for Biologists – Hastings Reserve, CA. April 9-12, 2019.
- California Botany for Wildlifers – Sedgwick UC Reserve, May 1-4, 2019.
- Tidewater Goby Management & Ecology. Clem Miller Education Center, Point Reyes, CA: Sept. 21-23, 2018.
- Basic Camera Trapping for Biologists, Lassen Volcanic National Park: July 6-9, 2018
- Western Field Camp 2018, Swanton Pacific Ranch, Santa Cruz County. 4 Quarter Units. July 23 – August 3 (12 days)
- Bat Acoustics, James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve: June 21-24, 2018
- West Coast Sea Turtles: A Workshop, Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach: January 19.
- 2018 Western Section Annual Meeting Hyatt Vineyard Creek – Santa Rosa, CA, February 6-9, 2018
- Vernal Pool Branchiopods: A Workshop for Future Permit Holders
- Identification Course, Davis, CA. Feb 20-22
- 20 Hours of Wet Season Surveys: 3 vernal pool complexes around the Sacramento Valley. Feb 23-25
- Drone Technology & Regulation: A Workshop for Biologists Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley, CA. March 7-9, 2018
- Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog Humboldt, CA. May 31-June 3, 2018.
- 2017 Student Conclave, Yosemite: March 29 – April 2
- 2017 Western Section Annual Meeting: Feb 6-10, 2017, Reno, NV
- 2017 The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 23-27, 2017
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo Survey Protocol Workshop, Gridley, CA, August 19-20, 2017
- Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop – Yosemite Bug, Midpines, CA, September 8-11, 2017
- Apps for the Biologist: A Workshop – Big Break Regional Shoreline, Oakley, CA, October 21, 2017
- How to Work with Local Governments: A Workshop for Biologists – Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA, November 3-4, 2017
- 2016 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 11-15, 2016, CSU Chico
- 2016 Western Section Annual Meeting February 22-26, 2016, Pomona, CA
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo Survey Protocol Workshop: June 29-30, 2016, Davis, CA
- Western Field Camp: Aug 7 – 19, 2016, Swanton Pacific Ranch, Santa Cruz County
- 2015 Western Field Camp: Aug. 9-21, 2015, Swanton Pacific Ranch
- 2015 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 5-9, 2015 Chico CA
- 2015 Western Section Annual Meeting January 28 – 30, 2015, Santa Rosa, CA
- 2015 Western Section Taxa-Derby
- 2014 Western Section Annual Conference January 29 – 31, 2014, Reno, NV
- Noninvasive Acoustic Monitoring of Bats in the Field, May 2-5, 2014, Yosemite National Park and Midpines, CA
- Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop, May 29 – June 1, 2014, Chimineas Ranch and Carrizo Plain Ecological Area (San Luis Obispo County)
- 2013 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 7-11, 2013, CSU Chico
- 2013 Western Section Annual Conference January 29 – February 1, 2013, Sacramento, CA
- 2013 Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop, April 5-8, 2013, Dye Creek Preserve
- Noninvasive Acoustic Monitoring of Bats Workshop, May 2-5, 2013, Dye Creek Preserve
- Remote Camera Techniques in Wildlife Studies Workshop, July 11-14, 2013, Pepperwood Preserve
- 2013 Field Techniques in Wildlife Studies, August 5-16, 2013, Swanton Pacific Ranch
- 2012 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 9-13, 2012, CSU Chico
- 2012 Western Section Annual Conference February 1-3, 2012, Sacramento, CA
- Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop, April 19–22, 2012, Dye Creek Preserve
- Noninvasive Acoustic Monitoring of Bats, Field Techniques Workshop: May 15-18, 2012, Swanton Pacific Ranch
- Remote Camera Techniques in Wildlife Studies, June 23-26, 2011, Chimineas Ranch, San Luis Obispo County
- Non-Invasive Acoustic Monitoring of Bats, June 2-5, 2011, Swanton Pacific Ranch, Santa Cruz County
- Bat Ecology and Field Techniques, April 28 – May 1, 2011, Dye Creek Preserve, Tehama County
- 2011 Western Section Annual Conference February 8-11, 2011, Riverside, CA
- Western Raptor Symposium, February 8-9, 2011, Riverside, CA
- 2011 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 10-14, 2011, CSU Chico
- 2010 Western Section Annual Conference January 26-29, 2010, Visalia, CA
- 2010 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 11-15, 2010, CSU Chico
- Noninvasive Acoustic Monitoring of Bats, Field Techniques Workshop: May 20 – 23, 2010, Wind Wolves Preserve, near Maricopa, CA
- Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop: June 2 – 5, 2010, Wind Wolves Preserve, near Maricopa, CA
- Field Mentoring Camp: July 8 – 11, 2010
- Cal-IPC 2010 Symposium, October 14-16, Ventura, CA
- 2009 Western Section Annual Conference January 21-24, 2009, Sacramento, CA
- 2009 Natural Resources Communication Workshop: Jan 5-9, 2009, CSU Chico
- Orienteering Workshop: Jan 21, 2009, Sacramento, CA
- Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard Workshop, May 6-7, 2009, Bakersfield, CA
- 2009 Willow Flycatcher – Great Gray Owl Workshop: June 3-4, 2009, Truckee, CA
- 2009 Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop: July 30- August 2, 2009, Chimineas Ranch (Eastern San Luis Obispo County, Carrizo Plain)
- An Introduction to CEQA and CESA Workshop: Nov 12-14, 2008, Folsom, CADescription and Schedule
- 2008 Western Section TWS Annual Conference: Evaluation Summary and Responses (Word Doc, 226kB)
- 2008 Western Section TWS Annual Conference: Program and Abstracts (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Wildlife and Invasive Plants: Finding Common Ground to Protect Ecological Diversity
A day and a half joint symposium sponsored by California Invasive Plant Council and The Western Section of The Wildlife Society
Continuing education credits=10.0 hrs;
Professional Development credit=10.0 hrs
Panel Topics: Impacts of Invasive Plants on Wildlife, Wildlife Using and Dispersing Invasive Plants, Balancing Invasive Plant Control with Protecting Wildlife, Balancing Chemical Treatment of Invasive Plants with Wildlife Protection.
A selection of presentations and posters:- The role of bird dispersal in plant invasion pattern (PDF, 188kB)by Clare Aslan and Marcel Rejm nek, Section of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis
- Forest Service Pesticide Risk Assessments (PDF, 436kB)by David Bakke, Pacific Southwest Region Pesticide-Use Specialist
- A Summary of Herbicide Effects to Wildlife (PDF, 713kB)by Shawna L. Bautista, US Forest Service Portland, OR
- Herbicide Impacts on Wildlife (PDF, 2.1MB)*by Caroline Cox, Center for Environmental Health.
- Weeds and Wildlife (PDF, 3.8MB)*by Steve Schoenig, California Dept. of Food & Agriculture
- Rare Bird Colonies and Invasive Plants on California Coastal National Monument Islets (PDF, 1.5MB)by Jim Weigand BLM California State Office; Julie Anne Hopkins, Land Trust Santa Cruz; Jennifer Wheeler, BLM Arcata Field Office
- The Southern Water Snake (Nerodia fasciata): A New and Potentially Invasive Species in Northern California (PDF, 394kB)by Peter S. Balfour, ECORP Consulting, Inc. and Eric Stitt, Environmental Planning Group.
- 2007 Annual Conference: Plenary Theme: “Thinking Like a Mountain”:Wildlife Management and Conservation at a Landscape Level
The 2007 Annual Conference was another success with over 500 members attending the three day conference in Monterey California. Technical sessions included: Energy Development and Wildlife, Implementation of Regional Conservation Plans, Ecosystem Function, Connectivity, and Restoration, Wildlife and Oak Woodlands, Wildlife in Managed Forests, Plenary Session, and Ecology and Management sessions on bats and small mammals, canids, landbirds and seabirds, carnivores, and amphibians and reptiles. The Annual Banquet held the 2006-2007 Awards Ceremony, featured a short documentary on snowy plovers, presented the raffle and silent auction winners, and provided entertainment and socializing. Additional conference activities included a career fair and student/professional lunch, poster session, resume workshop, and Saturday field trip opportunities.
- Evaluation Summary and Responses from the 2006 Endangered Species Permitting: Strategies and Successful Negotiations Workshop (Word Doc, 92kB)
- Program and Abstracts from the 2006 Western Section TWS Annual Conference (PDF, 446kB)
- Abstracts from the 2006 Symposium “Fisher and Marten in California: Moving Science and Management Forward” (Word Doc, 149kB)
- Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop
This four day/three night workshop located in beautiful Hastings Natural History Reservation gives participants a wealth of information on California bats and teaches bat monitoring techniques. Topics covered included California bat natural history, conservation issues in CA, mitigation and management strategies, CA bat identification, bat ecology and much more. In addition participants received hands-on training with acoustic monitoring, mist netting, handling, data collection, and data analysis. This workshop is such a success it is now offered every year, check the calendar to see when the next one is offered.
- Program for the 2005 Status, Regulations and Survey Methodology for the Willow Flycatcher in North Coast California Workshop (PDF, 20kB)
- Program from the 2005 Statistics Workshop on Capture-Recapture Analysis: Frequentist Statistical Analysis using MARK and Bayesian Statistical Analysis Using MARK and WinBUGS (PDF, 16kB)
- Program from the 2005 Aspen and Meadow Restoration Workshop (PDF, 15kB)
- Flyer from the 2005 Certification Workshop (PDF, 180kB)
- Evaluations from the 2005 Mohave Ground Squirrel Workshop (PDF, 36kB)
- Program from the 2005 Mohave Ground Squirrel Workshop (PDF, 47kB)
- Program from the 2005 Wetlands and Wildlife: Making the Connection Conference(PDF, 75kB)
- Program from the 2005 Tracking and Nature Awareness Workshop (PDF, 15kB)
- Program from the 2005 Western Pond Turtle Workshop (PDF, 24kB)
- Flyer for the 2005 Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop (PDF, 68kB)
- Evaluations from the 2004 Western Section TWS Annual Conference (PDF, 94kB)
- Program from the 2004 Bat Ecology and Field Techniques Workshop (PDF, 23kB)
- Evaluations from the 2003 Burrowing Owl Workshop (PDF, 82kB)
- Evaluations from the 2003 California Tiger Salamander Workshop (PDF, 95kB)
- Evaluations from the 2003 Invasive-Species Symposium (PDF, 85kB)
- Supporting Materials: California Tiger Salamander: Ecology and Survey Techniques Workshop, October 4 and 5, 2003 *
- Identification and Ecology of Sensitive Amphibians and Reptiles of Southern California, May 8 -10, 2003, Riverside, California (PDF, 102kB)
- Workshop Evaluations (PDF, 35kB)
- Coast Horned Lizards presentation (PDF, 1.3MB)
Other Past Workshops
- Bird Specimen Preparation Techniques
- Mesocarnivore Genetics Workshop
- Blunt-nosed leopard lizard Workshop
- Diseases of California Wildlife Workshop
- Ecology and Identification of Sensitive Amphibians and Reptiles of Southern California
- Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests
- Population Viability Analysis
- Vernal Pool Ecology